Afraid of Tom getting impatient and turning up the heat, I decided to enlist, his daughter, Katie's help.
If she can sell it, I'm hoping that the story outlined in the following email to Katie will bring closure to the matter and buy us all the time necesssary to get the whole way around the planet.
Here's a story for you. Feel free to modify as needed to fit your voice.
..................................................(beginning of story)
I answered the door and there was a woman standing there with some junior high kid and she introduced herself...I didn't pay attention to the name because I thought she was selling something or whatever...anyway then she says " My son Alec has something he'd like to say". It was either Alec or Alex, but I think she said Alec with a C.
Then the boy said, " I'm really sorry, I took your deer. I was going to bring it back but it accidentally broke*. I'm really sorry. Here's your stake and wire and money for a new deer." Then he handed me this stuff.
Then the mother said " That's $xx.xx" that's what he has saved up from his Christmas money. I hope that is enough to replace the deer." I told her that was fine. Then she made him say he was sorry again and the two of the walked to the car and drove off
..............................( end of story)
* I like " it accidentally broke" instead of " I accidentally broke it" , because no kid is going to cop to being the one responsible. As if somehow it was the deer's fault.
Pick out a woman and a kid randomly. Look at them for a couple of minutes and that should work. Some stuff you'll remember and other stuff you wont. That's the most natural and believable way I can come up with. As an alternative, look at this for a minute and then close it

That kid looks like the kind of delinquent who would steal an innocent deer.
Pick out a car....say..this car...

I wouldn't volunteer info on the car in the story. But if they ask about the car, now you have one in your head to work with.
That should cover most the bases.
Be careful not to offer up too much. Whenever people lie they tend to over-explain. Also too many details open up the possibility of contradicting yourself. Keep the story simple and the details basic. If you can't come up with an answer quickly just say, " I can't remember, it all happened so quickly" or " I was so freaked out I didn't notice" or something of the sort.
And if it seems I'm good at this making stuff like this up it's only from an amateurs interest in writing fiction and a couple hundred hours at a poker table. I am not a liar by practice...which is probably why I'm having so much fun with this.