Sunday, February 10, 2008

Where the hell have I been? Caucusing, baby!

Few knew, but your intrepid hero is a longtime Democratic Party operative. His travels were suspended while he spent time in Idaho helping with the Super Duper Califragilistic Tsunami Tuesday Caucuses.

Thank God Rudy had peeps in Idaho. He got to Boise just in time to get a shout-out from Barry. (Largest crowd in Taco Bell Arena history -- way to go Barry and Rudy! BFF!!)

Rudy, pumped, goes back to volunteer headquarters for a little time with the database ...

And some time stuffing envelopes.

It was time well spent. Rudy's work helped push attendance at the Idaho caucuses higher than any other year. As a reward, he got to spend caucus night in the war room. This is Rudy on the phone with CNN, updating results.

Soon it was back on the road. But not before taking some time to soak up inspiration from Rudy's political idol.

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